Andrew Fawcett

August 2021

At what point during your active skateboarding career did you move to photography and why?
Haha… well firstly I wouldn’t say I had a career in skateboarding more I was a skateboarding grom who loved it more than any other actvities around. Skateboarding magazines were the bible and the photography in them is what I loved and wanted to do down the track. I did a photography class at school and messed around in the darkroom. It was film then and expensive for a kid so I just skated. I started shooting later on a mix of snowboarders and skateboarder who were my friends. Some were sponsored some were not.

Proudest moment as a photographer?
There isn’t a single moment. What makes me happy is when a client or talent come back to me stoked on what we shot. They are the moments I want to make happen.

Most embarrassing?
Probably the old rocking up to a shoot and forgetting something important. Back when I started I may have run out of camera batteries on a shoot. You learn from your mistakes. Never to be repeated.

What gear are you shooting with?
I have always used Canon cameras and am really happy. I currently have 1DX and R5 bodies and a bunch of lenses. I also have a Fuji X-Pro2 with some nice lenses for street photography / family stuff. Just being so small, light and fast it blows me away how nice the files are.

Is there any post-production you do? If so how far do you go?
Every job is different but I try to keep it the end photo close to how it was shot. Obviously you can do just about anything and personal preference comes into it I don’t go too far. I use Capture One and Photoshop.

What is on your wishlist?
I would like to go to Russia in winter to do shoot some street photography and then head into the mountains to shoot some snowscapes.

Last question. If you could interview one person, who would it be and why?
I would like to interview myself as a 90 year old to see if there is anything I should make myself do before time runs out.

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